2016年8月12日 星期五

[VMware][Archlinux] How to install vmware 12 pro

Linux OS
# uname -a
Linux localhost 4.7.0-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug 8 22:05:58 CEST 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

pacman -S linux-headers
pacman -S gcc
pacman -S make

Download VMware 12pro

Execute and install vmware
# sudo bash VMware-Workstation-Full-12.1.1-3770994.x86_64.bundle

After install vmware start to execute "vmware" or "sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all".
("sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all" compile vmware kernel module)
There are some file which under " /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source" need to be fixed.
The file of VMware kernel module Source under /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
vmblock.tar vmci.tar vmmon.tar vmnet.tar vsock.tar

vmnet.tar :
Decompress vmnet.tar and edit userif.c and find following string.
“get_user_pages” to “get_user_pages_remote”

Edit following file
/tmp/test/vmnet-only/netif.c:468:7: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘trans_start’; did you mean ‘mem_start’?
dev->trans_start = jiffies; –> dev->mem_start = jiffies;

vmmon.tar :
edit hostif.c and find following string.
“get_user_pages” to “get_user_pages_remote”
/tmp/test/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c:1165:13: error: too many arguments to function ‘get_user_pages’

Debug :
Q1: How to debug

There are many log under /tmp/vmware-root

Directory must be non-empty
System service scripts directory (commonly /etc/init.d)

sudo mkdir /etc/init.d

Note :

2016年8月11日 星期四

[sabayon] Install binary package by using the branch(sabayon) of gentoo

Install equo
# emerge equo

Put the database file under amd64
# cd /var/lib/entropy/client/database/amd64
# curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sabayon/docker-armhfp/master/base-armhfp/ext/equo.sql
# cat ./equo.sql | sudo sqlite3 equo.db

first generate the entropy database
# sudo equo rescue generate

Update the database
# equo update
# equo repo mirrorsort sabayonlinux.org

Note :

If you get an error message that the overlays do not exist then you need to add them:
# layman –add sabayon
# layman –add sabayon-distro

Update the Sabayon overlays to the latest versions:
# layman –sync sabayon
# layman –sync sabayon-distro

2016年8月4日 星期四

[Archlinux] pacman 如何編釋與使用

Pacman +---> Configuration file
               +-> RootDir = The path which install the binary file
               +-> DBPath  = The Database of pacman
               |      +      Execute "./pacman -Syy" will create local and sync
               |      |              which under /var/lib/pacman
               |      |
               |      |               sync = Put all DB under this path
               |      |
               |      +----> According the setting(below) in configuration file
               |             [core]
               |             [extra]
               |             [community]
               +-> CacheDir= Put all package which download from internet.

pacman 在 Linux_Cross_Compiler_tools/Pacman/X86底下
git clone git@github.com:xxxxx/Linux_Cross_Compiler_tools.git

./pacman -Syy
完成編釋動作之後,並執行pacman資料庫更新,db檔會儲存在 /var/lib/pacman/sync 之下

開始下載與安裝 geany

./pacman -S geany

 geany 的可執行壓縮檔會被下載到 ./var/cache/pacman/pkg/
